
Showing posts from September, 2023

How to Configure SSL Certificate with Certificate Template on Redhat 8 by ADCS

How to Configure SSL Certificate for Apache Web Server with and without Certificate Template on Redhat 9/Redhat 8/Redhat 7/CentOS 8/Centos 7 by Active Directory Certificate Service Secure Socket Layer (SSL) is a security protocol that is also called as a encrypted security protocol, Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encrypt the traffic from plain text to a cipher text that secure the entire traffic from server to client machine that websites access from the web browser. Due to the encryption the data is save from the attacker. Secure Socket Layer (SSL) final version is 3.0 and the transport layer security (TLS) replace Secure Socket Layer (SSL) which latest version is TLS 1.3 to the transport layer security (TLS) family. Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protect the user privacy by encrypting the data between the browser and user client machine. The Secure Socket Layer (SSL) first time introduce since 1994 that have a version 1.0 but this version was not release due to security issues, the next vers...

How to Configure Apache Virtual Hosts on RHEL 8

Setup Apache Web Server Virtual Hosts on RHEL 9/RHEL 8/RHEL 7/CentOS 8/CentOS 7   Virtual hosting means multiple websites run on single server with multiple domain names or on IP (Internet Protocol) with multiple ports at the same time. In multiple domain name websites, administrator need to be create a host entry on Domain Name Server (DNS) otherwise hostname with IP will be add on each client machines host file to open a website by use of name that is known as name base website. Virtual hosting is use single machine hardware resource (Ram, Storage and processors) that works on sharing mechanism. Due to the configuration of virtual host in a single server (machine) a hardware cost is save but delay is observe in virtual hosting environment if low amount of resources (memory and processors) used. Virtual hosting can be complicated but manageable in a single host machine. In Apache, Virtual hosting is support on multiple website can run on a different IP (Internet Protocol), singl...

How to Install and Configure Apache Web Server on RHEL 8

Installation and Configuration of Apache Web Server on RHEL 9/RHEL 8/RHEL 7/CentOS 8/CentOS 7 Web server is a software that uses hypertext transfer protocol (http) have plain text data and secure hypertext transfer protocol (https) to provide secure data with secure socket layer (SSL) or Transport layer security (TLS) as per the client request through web browser on machine. Hypertext transfer protocol (http) default port is 80 and secure hypertext transfer protocol (https) default port is 443. With Hypertext transfer protocol (http) and secure hypertext transfer protocol (https) any port can be used that is specific application port. The fundamental purpose of a web server is to provide a website content to the user that is store on a specific location on a web server. Web server also support File transfer Protocol “FTP” by use of this protocol client can easily access their documents and files in any format, due to security reason File transfer Protocol “FTP” is not use in most organ...