How to Install and Configure Cups Print Server on Centos 7
Installation and Configuration of CUPS Print Server on CentOS 7/Red Hat 7 CUPS stands for common unix printing system.CUPS allow a operating system (LINUX OS) to act as a print server due to its modular printing system. CUPS is a open source printing system that is develop by Apply Inc for macOS, Linux OS and UNIX OS. CUPS support local and network printers due to use of Internet Printing Protocol (IPP). In Linux operating system CUPS is also use as a centralized printing system means other computer on a network use CUPS host as a Print Server, in other words you can say that the computers on a local network that connect to the CUPS host for printing can send a print jobs to the printer on a network by the use of CUPS host. In Linux CUPS Print Server can send a print job to shared printer, network printer and local printer (Printer is directly connect to the CUPS Print Server). LINUX CUPS (Common Unix Printing System) Print Server is providing below mentions options for printing as...