
Showing posts from August, 2020

GITLAB Integration with Active Directory

GITLAB Integration with Active Directory Integration of Gitlab with Active Directory is very beneficial for Administration Purpose. The benefits of Gitlab integration with active directory are as follows. 1. No need to create additional users on GITLAB. 2. Users use their Active Directory id and password for login. 3. Security Enhancement has increase. 4. You can Easily authenticate Active Directory users for GITLAB. 5. User have no need to remember additional password for GITLAB. For Gitlab integration with Active Directory edit the Gitlab configuration file "gitlab.rb"  that available in directory "/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb" by use of vi editor. vi /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb Add the below mention lines in Gitlab configuration file "gitlab.rb" After the comment of LDAP Settings. gitlab_rails['ldap_enabled'] = true ###! **remember to close this block with 'EOS' below** gitlab_rails['ldap_servers'] = YAML.load <<-'EOS'  main: #...

Install Gitlab Community Edition on Centos 7

Install Gitlab Community Edition on Centos 7/ Install Gitlab Enterprise Edition on Centos 7 Gitlab is a Git-Repository and it is a web-based complete DevOps life cycle tool. Gitlab is an application of complete software development life cycle. Gitlab is used for Source code management, project planning, monitoring and security. Gitlab is similar product as Atlassian Stash/Bitbucket. Gitlab community edition is an open source software. The advantage of Gitlab community edition is that it is behave same as Gitlab enterprise edition without license. The disadvantage of Gitlab community edition is that it is not contain proprietary code. We will install Gitlab community edition on CentOS 7 that is host in VMware ESXI 6.7. The specifications of this virtual machine are as follows, you can change the specifications as per your requirement. RAM: 6GB. CPU: 4. Storage: 100GB. NIC: 1. Installation of CentOS 7 click on  >> Read To update CentOS 7 type the below command. yum update -y Th...

Install And Configure VMware ESXi 6.7

Install And Configure VMware ESXi 6.7 Virtualization is the technology utilize the Hardware resources (Storage, RAM, CPU and NIC Cards) in efficient manner and reduces the IT Expenses, minimize downtime, simplify data center management, etc. This is the LAB environment, The minimum requirement of installation VMware ESXi 6.7 are as follows. You must set hardware resources as per the requirement. CPU: 2 RAM: 4GB Storage: 22GB Network Adapter: 1 Boot the DVD to install and configure VMware Esxi 6.7. Select ESXi-6.7.0-8169922-standard Installer and press enter to process the installation otherwise it will automatically move to next step in some seconds. After press enter installation of VMware ESXi 6.7 is in progress. Welcome window is appear of VMware ESXi 6.7 installation, press enter for move to the next step. Press F11 to accept the VMware end user license agreement. After accept the license agreement. It is scanning the available devices that may take a few seconds. Select the stora...