Configure Proxy Settings on Oracle Linux 6

Configure Internet Proxy Settings on Oracle Linux 6.5/Red Hat/CentOS

Oracle Linux use a same command as Red Hat because it is use a source code of Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CentOS Linux is a community version of Red Hat, therefore proxy settings of Oracle Linux is same as  Red Hat and CentOS Linux. Most of the organizations and enterprise sectors use a proxy server for internet.

To configure a proxy settings for yum commands edit the yum.conf file by use of vi editor.

vi /etc/yum.conf 

configure proxy settings on oracle linux

Edit the below line in yum.conf file, you will edit your proxy server IP.


configure proxy settings on oracle linux

Enter the below export commands to allow wget download files from internet repository. wget supports download file from HTTP, HTTPS and FTP.

export http_proxy=
export https_proxy=

configure proxy setting on oracle linux

Check yum command install Oracle EBS Server from Internet by use of proxy server.
yum install oracle-ebs-server-R12-preinstall
configure proxy settings on red hat

Check wget command download repository file from HTTP.
configure proxy setting on red hat

Thanks for read this Article


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